The Menace of Uncertainty

So, here we are…. Locked down like prisoners, bored out of our minds, hours over our screen time limits, and generally plagued by the uncertainty of the season. In another circumstance a little bit of this would seem heavenly. But now? When we don’t know what’s next? Well it reads a little differently.

People are sick. Some are very sick. And sadly, some have died. As horrible as all of that is, my bigger concern is for the emotional and psychological fallout that could outlast the current virus by years. Loss takes a dramatic toll on people. In the final analysis, it could be that more have lost lives because of the pandemic of fear and panic in the midst of great uncertainty than the respiratory illness ever dreamed of taking. The worst of this is simply not knowing what tomorrow will be like.

Whats true now is what has always been true. Nothing is uncertain to God. None of this has taken him by surprise and He is not scrambling for answers to questions of the hour. “Why…” you may be asking, “…. has He allowed this anyways? What useful purpose could all of this possibly serve? How can a loving God…?” I don’t know. Ask him. That’s what lament is really all about. Are you afraid? Tell him. Are you frustrated and angry? Tell him. Are you confused? Are you full of questions for which there seem to be no answers at all? Then ask him. You may not get all the answers you’re looking for. I get that. But I think there is great value in the expression of the cries and questions of the heart. First, it reminds us again of our weakness and frailty as human beings. We can’t sustain ourselves in the ways we think we can. It’s good for us to acknowledge our vulnerability and limitations. Next, as we cry out, we acknowledge his power and strength and our need for him to show up in ways that are unimaginable and unmistakable. As for uncertainty, well, it fuels our faith. In fact, if we could be certain of everything we’d need no faith at all, and without faith we cannot please God.

So embrace this season of uncertainty, as hard as it is. Know that none of it is lost on God. Recognize the opportunity in front of you to work your faith muscle so that it is stronger in the end.

”God, we have many questions, fears and frustrations. Please help us to believe that in your sovereignty, in the things you have allowed or decreed, you are at work to make us into the creation you intended and the people we dream that we can be….”